Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Intro: Movies with Melissa

This blog will be dedicated to movie reviews by yours truly. Most of the time I just don't understand what movie critics are thinking when they review movies. They are quite mean and I don't always agree with them. There are tons of movies that are successful that critics just don't like, or that they say they don't like because it gives them more credibility as a critic, I guess. I just don't roll that way. I love movies and want to share my honest opinion. What qualifications do I have, you ask? Well, I am a film major and...that's it. Look, I want to be a writer and I've seen more movies than the average person. Plenty have been bad or awful but a lot have been very enjoyable. With this blog I hope to provide entertaining, for-the-people reviews that are funny but not too mean. I wont be tossing around any rotten fruits that are commonly thought to be vegetables. I hope you find these reviews helpful and enjoyable. Oh, and while you are at it, check out my other blog called Cotton Candy Writing. It is a plethora of humorous observations and views on life. I know, how can I possibly keep up with two blogs, you ask? I'm pure awesomeness.

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