Monday, April 11, 2011

Classic Movie Monday: Top Hat

Title: Top Hat
Stars: Fred Astaire, Fred Astaire, Fred Astaire...
Music By: Irving Berlin
Genre: Hollywood Musical
Year: 1935
Black & White

Summary: This is a classic Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers Musical. Fred Astaire plays song and dance man and bachelor Jerry Travers. Late one night in his producer's hotel room, Travers, naturally, starts to dance. His tapping wakes the sleeping Dale Tremont (Ginger Rogers). When Dale goes up to the room to request silence for her sweet dreams, Jerry becomes infatuated. Dale plays hard to get, though. They run in to each other again and hit it off, but then a case of mistaken identity leads Dale to believe that Jerry is a married man. He does not know that she think so, and he continues to pursue her. He hot and cold behavior baffles him, but he is in love. This confusion, however, could prove detrimental to Jerry's hopes.

The Stars: Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers did ten movies together. The pair were known for their elegant song and dance numbers. The brains behind all of it, though, was Fred Astaire. He was a work-a-holic and perfectionist. He was singing and dancing since a very young age, starting out in his family's act on stage. He is still considered one of the greatest dancers of all time and there is not a list of best musicals that does not include Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers...she's nothing special.

Why Should You Watch This? Musicals are some of the most happy films in existence, particularly the Hollywood Musical. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musicals stick to a very specific formula, so you know what you are going to get is pure happiness. The music is by Irving Berlin, one of my favorites, and the dances are magnificently choreographed. The plot is a little bit contrived, but if you just go with it, it is quite fun and entertaining. It is one of my favorite Fred Astaire musicals.

I hope you enjoy this film, too. I love Fred Astaire, if you could not already tell. He is wonderful to watch dance and his acting is just right for this comedic story. Let me know what you think!

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